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You are viewing Cheat Codes for History Channel : Battle For The Pacific

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Game Name : History Channel : Battle For The Pacific
System : Xbox 360
Date Added : 2007-11-01 12:06:24
Views : 22839

Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.
Unlockable:How to Unlock:
American Weapon Expert (50 pts)Accumulate 500 kills with any American weapons in any multi-player mode.
Close Combat (20 pts)Kill 50 opponents with melee attacks in any multi-player mode.
Complete Bataan (10 pts)Beat Bataan on any difficulty setting.
Complete Bataan With Valor (20 pts)Beat Bataan on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Guadalcanal 1 (10 pts)Beat Guadalcanal 1 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Guadalcanal 1 w/ Valor (20 pts)Beat Guadalcanal 1 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Guadalcanal 2 (10 pts)Beat Guadalcanal 2 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Guadalcanal 2 w/ Valor (20 pts)Beat Guadalcanal 2 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Iwo Jima 1 (20 pts)Beat Iwo Jima 1 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Iwo Jima 1 With Valor (20 pts)Beat Iwo Jima 1 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Iwo Jima 2 (20 pts)Beat Iwo Jima 2 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Iwo Jima 2 With Valor (20 pts)Beat Iwo Jima 2 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Iwo Jima 3 (20 pts)Beat Iwo Jima 3 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Iwo Jima 3 With Valor (20 pts)Beat Iwo Jima 3 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Leyte 1 (20 pts)Beat Leyte 1 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Leyte 1 With Valor (20 pts)Beat Leyte 1 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Leyte 2 (20 pts)Beat Leyte 2 on any difficulty setting.
Complete Leyte 2 With Valor (20 pts)Beat Leyte 2 on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Luzon (20 pts)Beat Luzon on any difficulty setting.
Complete Luzon With Valor (20 pts)Beat Luzon on the Hard difficulty setting.
Complete Wake Island (10 pts)Beat Wake Island on any difficulty setting.
Complete Wake Island With Valor (20 pts)Beat Wake Island on the Hard difficulty setting.
Defensive Front (20 pts)Kill the flag carrier 5 times in a CTF game.
Dueler (20 pts)Accumulate 50 kills with a pistol in any multi-player mode.
Elite Warrior (30 pts)Kill everyone on the opposite team in a Team Elimination game.
Five Star General (100 pts)Beat the game on the Hard difficulty setting.
Going Out With A Bang (20 pts)Kill yourself and an opponent with an explosive 10 times in any multi-player mode.
Grenadier (20 pts)Accumulate 50 kills with Grenades in any multi-player mode.
Ground Support (20 pts)Carry the flag 5 times in a Capture the Flag game.
Heavy Gunner (20 pts)Accumulate 100 kills with the BAR or Type 96 LMG in any multi-player mode.
Japanese Weapon Expert (50 pts)Accumulate 500 kills with any Japanese weapons in any multi-player mode.
Last Man Standing (20 pts)Win 10 Elimination games.
Leadership (20 pts)Win 50 Team Deathmatch, 50 Capture the Flag, or 50 Team Elimination games.
Light Gunner (20 pts)Accumulate 100 kills with the Thompson or Type 100 in any multi-player mode.
Marksman (20 pts)Get 200 headshots without a scope or pistol in any multi-player mode.
Not Home By Christmas (20 pts)Win a Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch game with a 50 kill limit.
On The Front Lines (20 pts)Host and complete 100 multi-player matches.
One-Man Army (20 pts)Be the only person on your team to score points in a Capture The Flag game.
Purple Heart (0 pts)Die 250 times in any multi-player mode.
Sniper (20 pts)Get 100 headshots using a scope in any multi-player mode.
The Promotion Is Yours (30 pts)Win a Deathmatch game by 10 points.
To The Victor Go The Spoils (20 pts)Be the most skillful player in a Ranked Match.
Total War (20 pts)Have a 5 to 1 or better Kill to Death ratio in a multi-player match (minimum of 20 kills).
Trench Gunner (40 pts)Accumulate 50 kills with the Trench Gun in any multi-player mode.

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